Thought of the Week:

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Writing stuff... Or not...

So, I'm actually attempting to write something. Maybe a book if the stars all line up and the heavens open to the sound of trumpets. The problem I'm having is I'm not so hot at writing more than maybe five pages. I'm used to school stuff, which I'm great at and have never made a bad grade on. Books are a little longer than five pages. I've actually pounded out perhaps 30 or so, but it's in rare spurts of inspiration that only last around three pages. I have managed five on a very good day. I'm also scared crapless that I will actually manage to finish it, read over it, and hate it. Already I'm worried that I've had too many blabbering pages where the main character just complains about her life.
Maybe I'll finish it, maybe not. However, while I'm actually trying to do this I won't be on here much. So, I'm sorry to anyone who actually reads my stuff. Feel free to comment and stuff if you'd like. I could always use an ego boost.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Guess Who's Back

Back again, Shady's back, Tell a friend... Haha memories.

At any rate, I realize that I have not been on here in forever, and to the people who have actually wanted to read my stuff (if any there are), I'm sorry. I'm going to try to keep up with it more this time.

Yesterday my mom and I saw four deer. There was a mother and three babies. What did I do yesterday, you ask? Did I perhaps go on a nature hike? No, sir I did not. Perhaps I went to the park? Wrong again. Well, where could I have been to see these majestic creatures other than in the great outdoors? Try, a foot from a trailer park near where I live. They were crossing from one tiny section of woods to another, directly in front of the trailers. It was pretty depresing to think that this mother was trying to keep her children safe and the best she could manage was living in front of a trailer park in the most redneck-infested area imaginable.
It makes me so angry whenever hunters argue that deer are over-populated. We are the ones that are over-populated. We force them out into the open, onto busy streets, into front lawns, and then we use this excuse to kill them. Now, my paw-paw hunts, but at the very least he uses all the meat from anything he manages to kill. (Which is not much, to be completely honest.) I could never do it, but if someone is going to they should at least put the animal to use. This does not include rare fur coats or those creepy rugs with the heads still attached -- I mean real use.
I hope those deer find some place safer to go, but I have a feeling that we will pass at least one of them by that roadside again in a different way.